Hello and welcome to my new art blog. I decided to add a blog to my website as a place where I can voice ideas, focus on goals, and explore my principles as an artist. 

During my time in the general workforce (before I decided to chase that art dream), I always felt like one-on-ones were refreshing and energizing. I’m hoping this blog can serve as my art career one-on-one. 

My overall goal is to become a full-time artist who earns enough from art to support me and my family. It’s going to take perseverance, tenacity, and discipline to get there, but Rome wasn’t built overnight. Neither are art careers. 

Through this blog, I also hope to document my progress and journey as an artist. I don’t want to rush through the process so much that I forget to treasure all the failures, successes, and lessons I have along the way. 

So whoever you are reading this, come along with me on this art journey! Cheers to accepting our opportunities, embracing the challenge, and pursuing happiness.